A T O M S : The Periodic Table of Elements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Scientific Value: ATOMS is an excellent reference guide. There's more information packed into this chart than other charts. Unlike the unchangeable charts (like the ones on the wall), this chart is flexible. Just click the [View] button to show the numbers you really care about on the chart. The information is presented in a professional but comfortable way (hopefully also legible). Educational Value: This chart is very different from other charts. Most charts focus you in on only one element. Instead, ATOMS also shows how they compare to other elements. I know of no other chart that gives you any idea of elemental property trends of the chart. To try it, just Click on something like [Types] or [Numbers]. Or just pop them up as colors by pressing 2 or 3. Further, this chart is saveable as a BMP graphics file, and hence printable by Windows/Win95. Take it to class or use it as a Windows background. 3 Dimentional animated rendering and various pictures lets you see and remember the elements (still in development). Screen Saver Value: Looks pretty. Requirements: COMPUTER A 386 is minimum. However, with 3D rendering and advanced VESA graphics, please use Pentiums. GRAPHICS A Super VGA graphics card is a must. Needs at least 768Kb of on- board memory. Most SVGA's have 1MB anyway so this should not be a problem. A Super VGA moniter is also necissary. It must be able to handle 1024 x 768 resolution with 256 colors. MOUSE Almost any would do. INTEREST Here's an odd requirement. But ATOMS won't do you any good any other way. Installation: Simple. Just run the executable "Atoms.Exe" That's the only file the program uses. Use: How do I use this? Just a few minutes of trial and error and you'll suddenly be an expert. Just remember the rule: All Buttons are Pressable. This includes the chart, the tiny buttons, and the big buttons. It's simple. Just try it. (Just in case, press H for Help) Upgrades: ATOMS is an ongoing project, since more information always comes out. It's also obvious that some functions are incomplete. This is especially true of thr animations..it only shows the crystal structures. If this alpha impressed you, you're gonna really love 1.0. However, I envision it's completion by next year. That's why this alpha was released now. However, if enough critical errors are reported, I'll release 1.0 as a fix. Anyway..this is just for you to know that this version of ATOMS is not at its end. Please send feedback to help me in the right direction. Really'd like some help on interface. Thanks. Hope: Hopefully ATOMS will set a new standard for such charts ;) Distribution: Free.Free.Free! :) No silly time restrictions or mandatory donations. Please don't hack or modify ATOMS. Please spread ATOMS, but spread it with this file. Thanks. Disclaimer: (Here's where I say I'm not responsible and please don't violate copyrights.) I assume no responsibility for this program. I assume no responsibility for possible damage this program may cause. The information ATOMS use are derived from Berkeley sources in 1997. However, some numbers and properties may have been entered incorrectly due to human error. Again, I am not responsible for what these errors do. I'm not responsible for possible damage you may suffer from misinterperating the information that ATOMS presents. This especially applies to the 'Hazards' information. I'm also not responsible for any psychological, gynecological, orthadontal, pediatric, olfactory, religious, cultural, racial, sexual, auditory, ambitory, temporal, agricultural, educational, scientific, quantum, optical, arthritic, suicidal, territorial, philosophical, canditory, sensual, philanthropic, sanitary, psychosomatic, linguistic, cannibalistic, oceanic, environmental, metaphysical, biomechanical, or descriminatory problem you may experience due to the use of ATOMS. Basically, just use ATOMS at your own risk. However: Should anything go wrong, if you have a suggestion, or if you just wanted to say HI, I think I still can be reached at: Anyway, thanks for reading all that. ZaStaR